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Body Contouring Surgery Changes Life

Tammy Minard before and after

May 08, 2024

For Tammy Minard, maintaining a healthy weight was increasingly difficult. She knew it was time for a permanent solution to her weight-loss struggles when playing with her grandchildren became challenging. “I couldn’t get up from the floor after sitting with my granddaughter,” Tammy recalls. “That was my ‘aha moment’ when I knew I had to do something.”

So, in 2017, Tammy had gastric bypass surgery – a decision that empowered her to lose over 150 pounds. Bariatric surgery changed Tammy’s life. She says, “The weight came off quickly. And each lost pound felt so good.” As the number on the scale dropped, Tammy’s motivation only grew.

However, Tammy soon encountered another challenge in her health journey: excess skin.

Held back by excess skin

After Tammy lost weight, extra skin was left behind. This excess skin made exercise difficult, including water aerobics and weightlifting. Tammy notes, “I had gone through all this work to lose the weight. But the extra skin inhibited my progress. It was hard to exercise. I had to tuck the excess skin in. I was getting rashes. It was very painful.”

Michelle De Souza, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon at The University of Kansas Health System, says that excess skin is a common problem for weight-loss patients. “Many bariatric patients are thrilled to lose weight, but then they struggle with extra skin that drags them down and prevents them from participating in day-to-day activities.”

I’m so glad I chose to have body contouring surgery. My shoulders and back feel better. I’m not as tired. And without excess skin pulling me down, I can be more active without pain. It’s a whole new world." Tammy Minard

The solution: body contouring surgery

Body contouring surgery is often the only way to remove excess skin and tissue following significant weight loss. Body contouring refers to various plastic surgery procedures that tighten loose skin and remove excess fat on the torso, arms, legs, face or neck.

Ideal candidates for body contouring surgery are healthy adults who have reached a stable body weight but are bothered by lax skin or stubborn fat.

Fortunately, a friend of Tammy’s referred her to the board-certified plastic surgeons at the health system who specialize in body contouring surgery. The process began with a consultation to discuss Tammy’s symptoms, surgical options and which areas of excess skin were most troublesome to her.

Based on that consultation, Tammy received a customized surgical plan that included body contouring surgery on her breasts and abdomen.

Because of their extensive training, plastic surgeons at the health system frequently combine body contouring procedures into a single operation for optimal safety and aesthetic outcomes. “We often group surgeries so patients can enjoy better outcomes and a smoother recovery,” says Dr. De Souza.

Only some insurance plans cover skin removal surgery after significant weight loss. However, the care team at the health system helps patients navigate insurance concerns, such as body mass index (BMI) requirements.

“Dr. De Souza’s office is spectacular,” Tammy says. “They held my hand throughout the entire process, including insurance approval. Because of my medical symptoms, my insurance did cover it.”

A fuller life after a fast recovery

For Tammy, healing after body contouring surgery was quick and painless. “My recovery was easy! I was up and ready to go; the surgery did not hold me back at all.”

Dr. De Souza notes that recovery times vary based on the extent of body contouring surgery. For example, patients often have restricted activity for 3-4 weeks after abdominal contouring surgery.

Since her surgery, Tammy can freely play with her grandchildren. She no longer has skin rashes. She also exercises and lifts weights more consistently and readily.

Perhaps the greatest benefit for Tammy has been the aesthetic improvements. She has a smoother, tighter physique — which has improved her overall well-being. “My confidence came back after my body contouring surgery,” she says. “ That was the biggest life change. I’ve never looked or felt better.”

Tammy’s transformation was significant enough to necessitate a new wardrobe. “I had to get smaller clothes! Before surgery, I wore an XL. Now, I’m a size medium.”

Tammy Minard after body contouring surgery

Helping others achieve a brighter future

Ultimately, body contouring surgery has given Tammy a pain-free, more fulfilling lifestyle.

As Tammy puts it, “I’m so glad I chose to have body contouring surgery. My shoulders and back feel better. I’m not as tired. And without excess skin pulling me down, I can be more active without pain. It’s a whole new world.”

Now, Tammy is devoted to helping others who struggle with obesity. From teaching fitness classes to providing advice on social media, Tammy’s consistent support has changed countless lives. With her positive mindset and encouraging words, Tammy has helped many people achieve their health and fitness goals.

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